Hayden Abroad

Dispatches from Somewhere in the World

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A Six Year Old Assassin

There´s a little boy at Proyecto Rocas named Maynor. He´s six years old. He´s got a big head, thin little limbs, and an enormous smile. He is easily the most amusing kid there. He´s gotten into the habit of taking his pencil out of his bookbag, pretending it´s a gun, and shooting at me like he´s the police and I´m a villian. When he does this, I convulse and slump over like I´ve just been shot. Sometimes he hides behind the chairs shouting at me for minutes. He makes little shooting sounds with his mouth. Sometimes he does elaborate fighting style karate moves on the floor for minutes. This totally cracks me up. Then I pick him up, take him back to his seat, and watch as he copies the number ¨4¨ and the letter ¨M¨ over and over again.

One day my friend Marcus, the other volunteer at the project, found Maynor hiding behind a door, pencil-gun poised in his little hands:

Marcus: Maynor, ¿que haces?
Maynor: Voy a matar a Hayden.


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